Einaras Gravrock

Einaras Gravrock

8min read

Web3 Security: Resonating with Resonance

Creating a Safer Web3 with CUBE3.AI + Resonance

Resonance provides more than just comprehensive cybersecurity solutions for the blockchain, emerging tech and web2 projects. They offer cybersecurity concierge service, education, and best-in-class security product aggregation for their clients. They are also a team of experts who understand what trends are emerging in the cybersecurity space and share the CUBE3.AI vision for a safer web3 for all.

Here at CUBE3.AI, our team of machine learning engineers, security researchers, and white hats are always ready to learn. Who better to gain insight on the trends shaping the threat and protection landscape than Founder and CEO of Resonance, Charles Dray.

Our conversation ranged from how they are so successful in finding vulnerabilities, to how they select partner tools that enhance customer value, and what they are building next to increase the scope of their customers expanding from B2B to B2C.

Both Resonance and CUBE3.AI protect smart contracts and their communities, offering different yet complimentary security solutions. Unlike Resonance, CUBE3 does not provide code security auditing, but protects contracts after they have been deployed as an extra layer of real-time transaction threat protection (read more here on the gap CUBE3 fills in the blockchain ecosystem).

How to Reduce Risk for Web3 Builders?

We both share the web3 values of transparency and the highest standards of security. Can you share the process that makes your team so successful in mitigating risk for your clients?

Resonance Security takes an end-to-end approach to security by not only providing audits, but also relevant education, and product advisory services to create customized solutions that fit a client’s needs. Not only that, but our Resonance Security Platform provides an easy way to manage an array of security products and can be an add-on to any engagement.

Because our process is client-centric, we begin by determining the project’s priorities, past work, build progress, coding languages used, purpose, and technical expertise. We prepare a proposal outlining details of the engagement, provide a Project Manager with engineers providing ongoing updates throughout the audit.

While the audit is happening, we will schedule a cybersecurity advisory meeting where we provide optional but included product suggestions that meet that client’s specific needs. Clients can also choose a security awareness session to help improve their organization’s knowledge of security best practices.

At the end of the engagement, the project receives a detailed draft audit report that includes all findings, as well as suggestions on how to resolve outstanding vulnerabilities. Once the issues are fixed, we re-test and provide a final report, including a public report or additional marketing if required by the client. The project will continue receiving product advisory benefits through the duration of their engagement until their final report is delivered. After the final report is delivered, they can remain enrolled in the Resonance platform as an add-on, and maintain access to dozens of cybersecurity products and guidance in one place for one price.

How to Select Tools for Web3 Security?

One of your strategies to ensure Resonance is more than an audit company has been curating the best cybersecurity tools to support your customers beyond your core competency. There are a lot of web3 tools out there. How do you approach selecting recommended web3 tools for your customers?

We take a curated approach which includes thoroughly researching all the offerings within each cybersecurity category that spans everything from emerging cybersecurity tools to established products and tools that have proven successful in reducing attack vectors. We then interview the teams that wish to list their product for a period of 3-5 meetings. Once a product is fully vetted and listed, we provide actionable feedback at least once a month to the product teams. Feedback includes why customers want or don’t want to use their products, as well as suggestions and improvements from customers who have enrolled and are actively using the product. 
For projects who need something we don’t currently offer, we also act as a cybersecurity concierge, alleviating the client from having to do their research directly and matching them to an appropriate partner for their need. We’re excited for CUBE3 to join the space because of its cutting-edge technology, passionate team, and focus on listening to what the space needs to protect against sophisticated attacks in real-time.

How to Spot Emerging Trends in Web3?

At CUBE3.AI, our ML researchers and blockchain engineers are all about emerging tech, but the landscape is shifting daily. Can you give us some insight into what trends you are noticing on the horizon and how Resonance is adapting to protect the web3 industry?

The hot topic for everyone these days is AI, and while I think that AI is going to be transformative, it is simply the tip of the iceberg when it comes to emerging tech. Where things really get interesting is when we start to see the stacking of various emerging technologies. For example, combining quantum computing with the power of existing cybersecurity tools, and AI, while being thoughtful of risk in regard to unleashing it to offset threats, is going to accelerate the rate at which we see improvements to our technology exponentially.

But of course the bad actors are also going to try to take advantage of this technology as well, so it’s so important for us to keep our pulse on how these technologies are being used, and integrate them into our own security practices and tools.

Within the Web3 space more specifically, we see many projects becoming more focused on interoperability, and I don’t think this is a trend that will be going away anytime soon. While interoperability is key to democratizing the end user experience, it does mean that we can’t be siloed in one language or blockchain. For our team, that means that our job is to continue to research and understand new languages and their implications on security, so we can provide our clients with best in class service.

What’s Next for Web3 Security?

Although we are both B2B platforms, we share a vision to provide a range of tools to help anyone that is looking to secure web3. CUBE3.AI offers our Inspect tool as a public good for anyone to gauge a Risk Score for any transaction or address using our advanced ML Detect product. Can you share with us what Resonance is offering next?

We’re excited to continue building to focus on bringing awareness to every angle of cybersecurity and forging relationships with emerging cybersecurity tools that will give projects the edge as sophisticated attacks continue to evolve. We are launching the next version of the Resonance platform. Not only will clients be able to explore and enroll in dozens of products spanning all cybersecurity categories, but they will be able to use Resonance Security products, and aggregate security offerings based on their profile in no time. This includes educational resources, cybersecurity news, risk scoring, audit report history, security awareness suggestions, and live support for help from the Resonance Security technical team. We’re looking to amplify security to the maximum, and Resonance is well on the way in doing so with partners offering cutting edge cybersecurity products.

How to get started with CUBE3.AI and Resonance?

CUBE3.AI specializes in real-time monitoring and detection of security threats on web3 networks, while Resonance offers education, information and tool aggregation as well as superb audit services to identify vulnerabilities in smart contracts and other web3 applications.

By utilizing CUBE3 and Resonance, developers and founders are able to create a more secure web3 ecosystem for business and communities. CUBE3’s real-time security monitoring platform can be used as an additional layer of protection against live security threats and enable you to respond immediately to any security incident. In addition to their code security offerings, Resonance provides education and training to help customers better understand the web3 ecosystem and its potential risks.

Are you looking for a more secure web3 ecosystem?

CUBE3.AI and Resonance are here to help!
Sign up and reach out today to learn more.

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